Returns and exchanges

Are store  products guaranteed?
of course! We are committed to making you 100% satisfied. To ensure you get the best products, Our team members will manually check them before delivering them to you! Even if we do our best to ensure that your product is delivered in an ideal state, we cannot completely avoid accidents. If you find any problems with the product, please take a picture of the problem and contact us immediately. We will send someone to follow up with you to find a solution to ensure satisfaction.

Returns and refunds

Customers can contact us within 14 days after receiving the goods. If the item you received is defective or damaged, the size is wrong or the product is wrong, please contact [email protected] .

Describe the problem in detail, including the reason for the return and your order number. For defective, incorrect or undescribed items, please send us a clear picture or video of the problem.

1. Our responsibilities:

If our company is responsible for this issue, we will allow it to be returned to our warehouse for a refund or exchange.

After receiving the goods, we will refund the original product price and shipping cost in full, or resend the replacement product for free at our expense. This solution is only provided if store is responsible for shipping the wrong item/size.

2. Customer Responsibility

Incorrect order (item size)

If the customer ordered an incorrect size or product, we can also allow returns. In this case, the customer will be responsible for the two-way (to and from our warehouse) transportation costs. If the customer chooses to refund, we will refund the original product price. All and any transportation costs are non-refundable.

Return and exchange process

All returns must first be approved by our customer service team. Items returned without communication will not be accepted.

All returned items must be in a brand new condition, unused/unused, unwashed, with all original labels and their original packaging.

If the customer requests a refund, we will refund the original product cost after receiving the returned product. The transportation cost of all returned items and the original transportation cost are non-refundable.

Return and exchange time range

For returned items or items to be exchanged, we will process the solution within 3-6 working days after receiving your item.

If you enter the wrong address. As a result, delivery cannot be successful. We do not give claims and refunds

If it does not meet our policy requirements, we have the right to refuse any store credit refund / exchange. We recommend that you return the package to us through a traceable carrier and ensure that you return all the goods to us. We are not responsible for lost packages.

Please note that shipping fees and express shipping fees are not refundable.

For further return instructions, please email [email protected]. Returns will be notified without notice.

Refund method

The refunded amount will be refunded according to your payment method. If you pay with a credit / debit card or bank account, PayPal (our credit card settlement service provider) may take a while to process credit card transactions with your bank.

Please contact our customer service at [email protected] to obtain the return address.


Cancel Your Order

If you wish to cancel your order, you need to contact us as soon as possible, we will do everything we can to cancel your order before it is shipped. Sometimes its just too late to cancel your order and it has already been shipped, if this is the case you can still return the item back to us for a full refund, however the postage cost to return the item back to us will be down to the buyer.